Low spend, no spend. Frugality FTW.

Frugal to FI

Hi, hello! The weather has been so nice here in San Francisco so it's definitely drawing me outside more. I've strolled over, more than once, to the local creamery for some fresh mint chip ice cream. It is my favorite. I've also hit up the local produce stand for so many vegetables that are in season. The sweet red peppers are so good. But what about the personal finances? Let's chat about that.

What is going on this week?

  • Low spend, no spend challenge
  • Annual Wealth Dashboard
  • Content Hub
  • Recipes to nourish the soul
  • $100 Grocery Budget to Last a Month [video]
  • Memes
  • Editor's summary

Low spend, no spend challenge

I am embarking a "low spend, no spend" challenge before we move into the 4th quarter. I borrowed money from myself at the beginning of the year and I want to pay it back quickly because it's time to move onto other money goals. I've moving the goal line from November to September. That makes it a 55 day "low spend, no spend" challenge.

I don't recommend doing low or no-spend challenges for this length because it can lead to binge spending, but I've had some success living intentionally on a lean budget when I climbed out of close to $100,000 of debt in approximately 3 years.

Here are some ways to be successful in a low or no-spend challenge:

  • Summer is great for community events. Check out your city's recreational site for upcoming events.
  • Hit the international markets up for summer peaked produce at a fraction of the price from regular markets.
  • Ask friends to go on a picnic rather than out lunch.
  • Meal plan. Make a grocery list. Get creative in the kitchen.
  • Unsubscribe to store emails that tempt you to shop.
  • Take the shopping apps off your phone.
  • Track your progress

The days of a no-spend are about being intentional. I am already in this goal 6 of the 55 days and am marking the days down on a calendar. I've also removed my debit cards from my wallet as not to be tempted. These means Apple Pay is not linked to my debt cards either.

Follow me on Instagram @FrugaltoFI to keep updated on the progress I am making and how I am still living my best life without the variable spending money.

Annual Wealth Dashboard

💵 Annual Wealth Dashboard - a reimagined way to budget your money effectively and make progress towards your monthly & annual financial goals.

The Annual Dashboard is meant to be used on a day-to-day basis throughout the year to stay on top of your money in the short-term. It is highly customizable currency, year, starting month, and categories for income, expenses, investments, savings, debt, & net worth accounts. Includes an insightful transactions tracker with dependent drop-down categories, ability to track payment methods, and a transaction highlighter by category/month.

I can attest to the effectiveness of this Annual Wealth Dashboard, as will many others in the Instagram Financial Independence and Debt Free Community. I still use it to this day to track my net worth and coast FI progress. The dashboard offers easy instructions on how to set you finances up for success and keeps you motivated by seeing the overall state of your finances.


$656,000 of Frugal Things

Cultivating a love of efficiency, creativity, self awareness and improvement are all the things Mustachianism is about. Especially when doing those things you love, also saves money. Multiply that by the "rule of 172" and well... it can help lead the way to wealth. Frugal living is on the high road.

I am Green

There's a reason FIRE may not be for everyone. Likely due to the color you resonate with - in this book review of "Surrounded by Idiots". But what can you do about it? Buddy up with another color. If you are keen to taking the Myers Briggs test, then you will enjoy this read.

Handsome Expat

Another wonderful post by The Hot Goddess sharing her stories of dating foreign men as an midlife expat in Portugal. We all have a doozy story or two to share when it comes to dating. And THG shares her own adventures in dating. But it leads to a positive ending because love is possible. Cozy up.

Real Genius

On this day - August 7, 1985 - the movie, Real Genius with the young Val Kilmer, was released. Making $13-million dollars in the box office. The popcorn scene is my favorite or was it Kent talking to Jesus. 😂

Recipe discovery

Cream Cheese with only One Ingredient

I learned something new , cream cheese can be made with a container of sour cream.

Black Lentil Curry

This popular curry is quickly becoming a staple meal in my household.

$100 Grocery Budget to Last a Month!

The variety of meals made impressed me, because it is not something you frequently see on a low, low spend. I strive for variety and nutrition in my own meals when cooking on a budget. So it definitely resonated with me.

video preview


I will never say that I am a personal finance guru. While I have made major strides in my own finances and look forward to writing about what I learned on my journey, I am far from setting the prime example of FI success.

But what I am really good at - is being a resource to great information from others who have succeeded. There is a huge community of like minded FI/RE (financial independence and/or retire early) people who have paved the way to success. The community also expands laterally to those with different focuses, like:

  • paying down debt and cash envelopes
  • frugal living core
  • investing for retirement
  • DINK, SINK, SIK, DINKWADs (even other buzzwords I've not heard)
  • credit card hacking
  • living without credit (okay, that might just be me doing that)
  • real estate for passive income
  • those working towards different FI goals (like BaristaFIRE, CoastFI, SlowFI, FatFIRE, LeanFI, Late Start FI, etc...)

If you have a question that you need answered, I can help point you in the right direction. Or I can share my own learned moments.

Just hit reply and ask away.

Until next time!

Welcome to Frugal to FI, where we talk about money saving tips, budgeting, semi-homemade cooking, and more. You’ll will also find valuable content on overcoming the unique challenges of building wealth later in your life.

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Frugal to FI

A newsletter provides fast and insightful content on money saving tips, budgeting, semi-homemade cooking, and more. Spend less, save smart, live well.

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