Finding balance, ChatGPT chef advisor

Frugal to FI

Hello, my friend! Thank you for sticking with me as I find my rhythm with my site and this newsletter. I am am trying to figure out what direction to go with everything. It was clear in the beginning and then when you get in the grind, it stirs things up.

Can I keep up the rhythm? Of course, I tried to do all things at once because I am type A. I am realizing it can get overwhelming quick. The life of a website owner means being a steward of many positions: writer, camera woman, editor, content creator, and more. I realize I don't have the same energy that I had 15-20 years ago when holding a full-time job.

But I really enjoy being a content creator of this sort. This is my second time around and my goal is to create an income that will help fill the gap when I step down from corporate in a couple of years.

I need to set up systems. Like write blog posts so I can gain impressions that will meet the criteria to monetize the site. I need to create a content calendar for the newsletter so I am not scrambling at last minute for content to share. Or do I move this newsletter to only share a broadcast when a new post is shared on this site. So many moving parts!

I have set up some systems already. Like creating a content list for blog ranking blog articles. I updated the ​advertising page​. But now I need to do the nitty-gritty of writing the blog articles, taking the pictures, editing, etc... So much to do. But I am excited about the possibilities and how it can serve you.

It's important that I keep the integrity of the content I share with you all. I want to make this site sustainable, but it's important to me that my focus helps you on your frugal living, financial independence journey.

What's in this episode:

  • Creating a meal plan with ChatGPT (follow-up)
  • Financial Freedom by Grant Sabatier
  • Content Hub
  • Recipe Discovery
  • Not to late to start over. Finding purpose... [video]
  • Memes
  • Editor's Note

Creating a meal plan with ChatGPT

If you have followed my Instagram stories you've seen me relying on ChapGPT to make a budget dinner meal plan. A few of your reached out to ask if chatgpt did good on the price points and has it worked as well as I hoped in keeping a budget meal plan. And the answer is: for the most part, yes.

I notice as I get more detailed in requesting a budget meal plan with chatgpt, the better it does. This most recent time, I asked chatgpt to provide me with: a 2-week meal plan for 2 people for $50 that uses a lot of vegetables, is okay to include meat and to list the prices of ingredients from my local Safeway.

video preview

(video above is one of the few meal plans I received when prompting chatGPT)

The results after it analyzed 3 Safeway stores in my area, it realized the total would be $107 and noted it was higher than my budget. But that substitutions in my meal plan could help. To me, $107 is still quite reasonable.

The findings:

  • Canned goods were a little undervalued. I could not find $1.50 can of diced tomatoes, but I did find them at $1.99.
  • ChapGPT said I could find canned beans at $1/per can at my Safeway. This was false. But I did find dry beans at $1.99 lb. A dry bag of beans makes approximately 4 cans of beans. So that was a good deal. And they came out great when I batch cooked them in my Instant Pot.
  • I did find the chicken at thighs at $2.99/lb but that is with skin and bone-in. I did find the quantity needed for the meal plan is a little low. I bought 2 lbs as requested, but looks like a will need 3 lbs to make the dinner meal plan work.
  • Ground turkey could be found at $4.99/lb, but ground beef was out as it costs more.
  • For produce I went to my local International market. I paid about $10 less but the quantity bought was more and I threw in a few items that were not on my list. That was a win.

For the next round, I think I will ask ChatGPT to add 10% to the budget total and ask it to break down the quantity of meat needed at each meal. Because 3 recipes require ground turkey. Dividing a pound into 3rds doesn't allow for much. And a pound of chicken thighs is approximately 2 thighs. That will not leave me leftovers for the chicken fried rice.

But overall, using ChatGPT to create a meal plan in less than 1 minutes time has been a great use of my time and energy. Even if there are minor deviations. I will keep working with it to see if it can be perfected.

Financial Freedom

📚While this book is written for the Millennial genre, its information is fantastic for any age. I saw this copy available at the free library when I was at EconoMe and read it up quick. It is jam packed with essential information to get on the path towards financial independence. One of my favorite FI books.

Financial Freedom is a step-by-step path to make more money in less time, so you have more time for the things you love. It challenges the accepted narrative of spending decades working a traditional 9 to 5 job, pinching pennies, and finally earning the right to retirement at age 65, and instead offers readers an alternative: forget everything you’ve ever learned about money so that you can actually live the life you want.


10-minute dinners

I've recently began following Julie Pacheco on Youtube. Budget friendly meals capture my attention if they contain variety, are easy to make, and of course, are budget friendly. Her site ticks off all the boxes. Check out these (5) 10 minute quick & easy meals.

Starting over at 50 [Video]

Going from having everything set in retirement to having to start over at 50. There is hope for still making a positive change at these later years.

Refinery29 Money Diaries Spinoff

I stumbled across this substack called, The Purse. Created by none other than the founding editor of the former Refinery29 money diaries, Lindsey Stanberry. I find the content more relatable for those in their 30s-50s on different points in their financial journey.

The 10 Best Financial Decisions

The Budget Brigade shares 10 of the best financial decisions her and her partner made on their journey. Some points realized and others a stumbled upon with fortune. And the video under number 8... love it!

Recipe discovery

Instant Pot Black Beans

Lisa from FI Venturers shared this Instant pot black bean recipe with me from the Skinny Taste website. The recipe had me at poblano pepper and bacon in its list ingredients. I can't wait to try this out!

Cauliflower Tacos with Romanesco Sauce

Cauliflower is truly a delicious, but highly under-rated vegetable. When it roasted, it has such an amazing taste. Check out this cauliflower taco recipe for a meat-less dinner meal.

Not too late to start over. Finding purpose after 40, 50, 60, or at any age.

Dana started over many times and each time she learned some valuable things about herself. A few years ago she started her own small business based off of what she loves to do, which is thrifting. Follow Dana as an almost 60 year old beginner striving to find purpose and joy in her life.

video preview


I am working on the balance between sharing my journey with you and bringing in community. It's on my to do list to figure this out.

I am resourceful when it comes to finding awesome frugal living and financially independent content on the web to share with you all. So I will gladly continue to play on that strength with you all.

But how can I bring in community to bring forward a dialog? I do not have comments open on my site, but that is due to keeping spam down. I may change that. Or do I start a Facebook group? Or open up a series that allows you to contribute?

There are so many choices and ways to do things! It like having the choice to order a "2/3 caff triple ristretto affogato venti, 2 pump mango 1 pump classic, 2%, mango to the second line, 3 scoops protein, 3 scoops berries, 2 scoop matcha, add banana, double blended, with whip, caramel drizzle, salted caramel topping, vanilla bean frappuccino" at SBUX. 😊

Until next time!

P.S. I am moving this newsletter to be published every other week, so I can make some time to update the blog. While making sure the newsletter content is solid. This one woman business is hustling!

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Welcome to Frugal to FI, where we talk about money saving tips, budgeting, semi-homemade cooking, and more. You’ll will also find valuable content on overcoming the unique challenges of building wealth later in your life.

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Frugal to FI

A newsletter provides fast and insightful content on money saving tips, budgeting, semi-homemade cooking, and more. Spend less, save smart, live well.

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